First Name*
Last Name*
Date of birth (yyyy/mm/dd)*
Email Address*
Primary Phone*
Secondary Phone
Home Address
Name of Employer / School / Business
Name of Family Physician
How did you find us?
Do you know of any first-order relatives (i.e. parents, children, partners or ex-partners, etc.) that have been or may be clients of our office?* NoYes
So that we can help you select the most appropriate psychologist, would you like to tell us a little bit about why you are seeking assistance?
Therapy Partner’s Name (First)*
Therapy Partner’s Name (Last)*
Therapy Partner’s Date of Birth (yyyy/mm/dd)*
Kindly be aware that certain third-party providers may require pre-authorization for services. Please indicate if you are a client of any of the following organizations: Select if applicable:Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC)Non-Insured Health Benefits Program (NIHB)Victim ServicesDepartment of Children and Family ServicesWorkers' Compensation Board (WCB)
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